This is a picture of my piece of art.
To make my piece of art I used nails and wool to make the shape of my name.
I am proud of my piece of art because I finished it and I worked hard on it.
Something that challenged me was hammering the nails in straight.
Next time I would try hard to hammer the nails straight.
I created a piece of art about me. It is a mask that has different parts that share something special about me. I had lots of fun painting and mixing the colours to make new colours when making my mask.
I learnt that when I mix blue and yellow together that it makes green but when you put more blue in than yellow it makes a bluey kind of green and when you put more yellow in than blue it makes a yellowy kind of green.
Some of the parts on my mask that tell the story of me is the purple I used because it is my favourite colour and I have a K and an R as part of my face because they are my initials.
I am proud of my art because I took my time to create it and I think I have lots of detail on my mask. I really like the hair hanging off the side of my mask.
I created a piece of art that shares a story about me. Art is special because it tells the person looking at it a story and different people infer different stories from the same piece of art. My art is the letters of my name and each letter shares something special about me that makes me unique and different to everyone else.
When I was creating my art something that challenged me was putting tabs in the right place. The tabs were extra bits where on the letters where I would connect the letters to the base or to other letters. When I was putting my art together I had to add tabs and cut others off so I could construct it how I wanted.
I enjoyed thinking of the designs that were about me. I thought of all the things that made me unique and then come up with designs that would share what is important to me.
My T is paints splodges because I love to create art in lots of different ways. I always end up with paint on all of my clothes and all my family look for it every time I am wearing something.
My R is because I love my Chester dog. He has cuddles with me all the time and looks out for my and protects me from everything. He is a great friend for me.
My A is on the outdoors because I love to explore nature. We always go out and about enjoying NZ's native bush and birds. It is one of my favourite things to do.
My C symbolises knowledge. This is because I love to learn. I am always asking questions and enjoy building my knowledge about the world.
My E is of my family and how we are all closely connected and look out for one another. My family are really important to me and I would do anything for them.
My Y is all about reading because I love to read all kinds of books. I enjoy non-fiction so I can learn about things in the world and I especially love fiction where I can get lost in a book and go any where in the world.
I am really proud of my art because I had to plan my art and then go back and change my plan because it was too detailed and I couldn't create what I first wanted but came up with a plan I was happy with. I think my art looks really good because I chose colours that worked well together. My art also tells a story about me and I think my story is clear to anyone who looks at my art.
If someone creates a chilli 4 blog post we will add it to the blog post to show others what one looks like.
This is a picture of my piece of art.
To make my piece of art I used nails and wool to make the shape of my name.
I am proud of my piece of art because I finished it and I worked hard on it.
Something that challenged me was hammering the nails in straight.
Next time I would try hard to hammer the nails straight.
I created a piece of art about me. It is a mask that has different parts that share something special about me. I had lots of fun painting and mixing the colours to make new colours when making my mask.
I learnt that when I mix blue and yellow together that it makes green but when you put more blue in than yellow it makes a bluey kind of green and when you put more yellow in than blue it makes a yellowy kind of green.
Some of the parts on my mask that tell the story of me is the purple I used because it is my favourite colour and I have a K and an R as part of my face because they are my initials.
I am proud of my art because I took my time to create it and I think I have lots of detail on my mask. I really like the hair hanging off the side of my mask.
I created a piece of art that shares a story about me. Art is special because it tells the person looking at it a story and different people infer different stories from the same piece of art. My art is the letters of my name and each letter shares something special about me that makes me unique and different to everyone else.
When I was creating my art something that challenged me was putting tabs in the right place. The tabs were extra bits where on the letters where I would connect the letters to the base or to other letters. When I was putting my art together I had to add tabs and cut others off so I could construct it how I wanted.
I enjoyed thinking of the designs that were about me. I thought of all the things that made me unique and then come up with designs that would share what is important to me.
My T is paints splodges because I love to create art in lots of different ways. I always end up with paint on all of my clothes and all my family look for it every time I am wearing something.
My R is because I love my Chester dog. He has cuddles with me all the time and looks out for my and protects me from everything. He is a great friend for me.
My A is on the outdoors because I love to explore nature. We always go out and about enjoying NZ's native bush and birds. It is one of my favourite things to do.
My C symbolises knowledge. This is because I love to learn. I am always asking questions and enjoy building my knowledge about the world.
My E is of my family and how we are all closely connected and look out for one another. My family are really important to me and I would do anything for them.
My Y is all about reading because I love to read all kinds of books. I enjoy non-fiction so I can learn about things in the world and I especially love fiction where I can get lost in a book and go any where in the world.
I am really proud of my art because I had to plan my art and then go back and change my plan because it was too detailed and I couldn't create what I first wanted but came up with a plan I was happy with. I think my art looks really good because I chose colours that worked well together. My art also tells a story about me and I think my story is clear to anyone who looks at my art.
If someone creates a chilli 4 blog post we will add it to the blog post to show others what one looks like.